Good Bye 2020: End of Year Greeting from Bond Consultants

12.29.2020 | Blog


Congratulations, we have made it through 2020.


It was a year like no other. Starting with the massive wildfire in Australia, tensions between the US and Iran, the presidential election, and we all know what, the outbreak of the COVID-19. Cities went into lockdowns, schools turned to online courses, and various events including the Tokyo Olympics and graduations have been canceled, postponed, or scaled-down. It has affected all of us in so many ways and changed the world possibly for good. 


The salvation, though, was that we were all in this together. We fought through this together and at least there seems to be a light of hope with the beginning of the vaccination. Many people even found opportunities during these times. The abundant time during the quarantine allowed us to focus on our hobbies or gave us more quality time to spend with our family. Companies like web meeting platforms or online delivery service became the fastest growing industries. 


Looking back at 2020, this year told us how suddenly the world can change and how important it is to be flexible and quickly adjust to the change. The future is still unknown, but it can be said that those who can adopt to change and make the most out of the situation would probably be able to welcome a prospering new year. So let's prepare ourselves and get ready for what 2021 has in store for us.


All of us at the Bond Consultants wish you a very Happy Holiday season and a peaceful and prosperous New Year!


Natsuki (Summer) Ueno