Tips for Job Hunters 2/2
09.24.2020 | Blog

BY Thomas Sheehan
In our last post, we covered some of the tips for getting the interview with for the job you want. In this post, we will give you some tips in order to prepare you for the interview and make the most of the chance you got.
The goal of the application and cover letter is to win an interview. An interview can be a very stressful experience. There is a lot at stake, because you will not get the job if you fail. If you prepare well, though, it is much easier to perform well. Here are some smart tactics that can help you:
- Make a list of interview questions, especially the ones that are hardest for you, and practice answering them. Do it with a friend, if you can. Record it, if you can, so you can hear how you sound. You’ll be more confident if you can calmly and enthusiastically give smart answers to tough interview questions.
- Make sure you have the job description. Research what the company does, who their competitors are, and other details. You will probably be asked what you know about the company, and about the job. If you don’t at least have a good idea what the company does and what they need from the person who gets the job, that is an immediate failure. You may still complete the interview, and they will probably be polite, but they are not going to pick you. You should also research the people who will interview you, so you can tell them something you have in common, or something they have done that is interesting to you. If you can bond with your interviewer, that is a powerful advantage.
- Unless the interview tells you not to, dress professionally for any on-site or video interview. If the interviewer can see you, wear proper business attire. If they prefer business casual or jeans, they will tell you.
- Be early. If you are not 10 minutes early, at a minimum, you are late. Heavy traffic, a stopped train, or a flat tire are no excuse. There is no excuse. If you’re ill or have an emergency situation, alert your interviewer as quickly as possible, so you can reschedule, but except for a real illness or emergency, you have no excuse for being late. Make sure you know exactly where the interview will take place, even if you have to drive there a few days earlier, so you do not get lost driving to the interview. Leave early enough, and do not be late.
- Bring your own questions. Almost every interview ends with some time being given to the candidate to ask questions. You need to have some good questions. You might want to know why this position is available – did someone leave, or is it a new position because the company is growing? Do people in this position sometimes earn promotions to higher positions? Is there travel involved? When can I expect to hear from you about your decision? Just have some questions, even if you are sure you already have all the information you need. There is one area to avoid, though. Salary and insurance, time off, and other benefits are important, it is extremely rude to ask about them in an interview. You can often find that information in the job posting, or on Glassdoor or similar websites. If you can’t, wait for an offer letter. There are times when it is perfectly appropriate to ask about compensation and benefits, but an interview is not one of those times.
Always thank the interviewer, unless it is just not possible. If you have an email composed that you can quickly revise and send, it’s a lot easier to send a thank you note quickly.
- Always send it the same day, or by the following day. Don’t ever forget to do it. A thank you card that you write by hand can be a nice touch, and almost nobody does that.
- Do your best to write a proper ‘thank you’ to every person who has interviewed you, personalized for them based on what they talked about during the interview, in a way that fits their personality. A person who is very serious and focused may not be a good person to send a friendly thank you note to. A more formal thank you may be better.
- Follow up with the interviewer. If they told you that a decision should be expected within a week, and it has been two weeks, write or call. Sometimes a hiring decision can be delayed for a lot of different reasons, so you might still have a chance even if they have not gotten back to you as promised. Remind them that you are interested in working for their company and ask them if you can provide additional information.
- If they have chosen someone else, or closed the position but never informed you, it won’t hurt you to politely remind them that you are waiting for a decision. If an interview is bothered by it, you probably were not going to get the job anyway, and most interviewers will see it as a sign that you are really interested, and if the selection process has been delayed, your following up with them can help keep you in the running for the position when the process is resumed.
FIND THE RIGHT JOB: It should interest you, and the employer should be able to see your background as a good fit.
APPLY: Complete the application process, and make sure that you include a good cover letter.
INTERVIEW: Be prepared to answer tough questions, dress professionally for any onsite or online interview unless you have been told not to by the interviewer, show up on time, which means show up at least 10 minutes early, and ask good questions of your own.
AFTER THE INTERVIEW: Thank the interviewers, and don’t let them forget you. Until they have told you that you’re finished, you are not finished.
I hope you find these tips useful, and if you are ready to start your job hunting journey, please click the link below to submit your resume and start your job hunting journey with us!