Tips for Job Hunters 1/2
09.24.2020 | Blog

BY Thomas Sheehan
If you’re like most people, you spend a big part of your life working, and where you live, how well you live, who you marry, and other important parts of your life are probably influenced, directly or indirectly, by your job. Still, finding and winning the job you want is something that is difficult for most people.
Every employer, every interviewer, every job, and every candidate is unique, but there are some things you can do that can increase your chances of winning the job you want.
Don’t apply to every job. You should apply for a job if you are truly interested in it. You should also imagine how an employer would see you as a candidate. If their job description says that 5 years of experience in logistics is required, and you have never worked in logistics, or you’ve only worked in logistics for 1 year, should you really apply? You will probably just be wasting your time, and the employer’s time, for an application that has no real chance of success. Look for jobs that match your interests and that you are qualified for, and apply for those. You’ll have a better chance of getting an interview, a better chance of getting an offer, and if you get the job you’re more likely to enjoy it than if you apply for a job that is not a good match for you.
On job boards, if you are registered and have a profile, you can apply for many jobs by clicking a button. On employer websites, on the job posting, there is usually a link to an application page, which will have a button for uploading a resume, and information can be pulled from your resume into the application. You can add information that is missing. So that’s all you need to do, right?
No. You need to provide a cover letter whenever possible. If an online application page has a button for uploading a cover letter, always do that. Always. If you can do that, but you don’t, employers will see that as a sign that you are lazy or not really very interested in their job or their company.
If the online application process does not provide you with a way to provide a cover letter, but you can find an email address or other way to send a message to the hiring manager, then you should send them an email or message that can serve as a cover letter.
A cover letter is a communications tool that lets you share some information with the hiring manager and interview team. You can tell them why you’re interested in their company, and why you are a good fit for their job. You are not like other candidates, and you want the employer to know that. If you are interested in the job, you will need to interview for it, and your cover letter allows you to ask for an interview and explain why they should want to interview you. If you can’t take the time to write a cover letter, and make sure you understand what a good cover letter looks like, you shouldn’t expect an employer to be interested in you, and you should not apply in the first place.
So these are some of the tips you can use in order to get the interview for the position you want. Once you get that interview, you will have to prepare for the interview. In our next post, we will cover what you can do to enhance the process, both during and after the interview.
Also, if you are ready to start looking for a new career opportunity, please click the link below to submit your resume and start your job hunting journey with us!